I help YOU go

in your 30s & 40s

I help YOU go

in your 30s & 40s

While your wealth continues to grow so you can spend your time and money as you wish!

LEt's work together!


You reach the top 10% of earners in the US . . . but your finances don't feel like that way.

You chose to become a PA/NP for work life balance but you can barely enjoy life outside of work.

Did you pick the wrong career? 

Absolutely not.

There's a path to working less and earning more.

That way you can live your best life NOW while becoming wealthy at the same time.

Financial freedom could be closer than you think.

I'd like to show you how. 

You reach the top 10% of earners in the US . . . but your finances don't feel like that way.

You chose to become a PA/NP for work life balance but you can barely enjoy life outside of work. 

Did you pick the wrong career? Absolutely not.

There's a path to working less and earning more.

That way you can live your best life NOW while becoming wealthy at the same time.
Financial freedom could be closer than you think.

I'd like to show you how.

Hi, I'm Wilson
Your Wealth & Career Mentor

I'm a PA and my wife is a NP!

I realized very early on that traditional financial strategies would get you to financial freedom . . . in 20-30+ years.

 . . . and we simply didn't want to wait that long.

So we discovered a unique strategy called COAST FIRE that would get us to freedom MUCH faster.

We went all in . . . and now can go part-time in our 30s and fully retire in our 40s!

About Us

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Why this is an OPTIMAL strategy for PAs & NPs:

Peace of Mind: Provides a significant level of financial security at a relatively young age, which reduces anxiety about the future and allows you to enjoy the present more.

Work-Life Balance: Allows you to reduce work hours or choose less stressful or lower-paying but more fulfilling roles early on without financial pressure.

Career Flexibility: It provides the flexibility to explore different specialties, pursue non-clinical roles, or take sabbaticals without financial strain.

More Quality Time: Having more control over your schedule means more time to spend with friends & family, which is especially important for those with young children or aging parents.

Why this is an OPTIMAL path for PAs & NPs:

  • Peace of Mind: Provides a significant level of financial security at a relatively young age, which reduces anxiety about the future and allows you to enjoy the present more. 

  • Work-Life Balance: Allows you to reduce work hours or choose less stressful or lower-paying but more fulfilling roles roles early on without financial pressure. 

  • Career Flexibility: It provides the flexibility to explore different specialties, pursue non-clinical roles, or take sabbaticals without financial strain.

  • More Quality Time: Having more control over your schedule means more time to spend with friends & family, which is especially important for those with young children or aging parents.


This is a new strategy where you invest until you reach "critical mass", which allows you to start working less very early on in your career.

By combining Coast FIRE with a strategic approach to career moves, PAs & NPs can effectively shorten the timeline to financial freedom and enjoy life much sooner.

You have one life to live, and that life should be lived intentionally and to the fullest ASAP.

Leveraging PA/NP career strategies + COAST FIRE allows you to live life on your own terms much sooner.

My wife and I did this in our 30's and reclaimed balance between life & work by:

  • Strategically working for employers who offer the best pay, schedules, student loan forgiveness, and benefits

  • Using our W2 income to invest in stocks and real estate

  • Learning how to buy a primary home that makes us money 

  • Reducing our clinical hours and/or working less stressful roles while our investments continue to grow

Now I help other PAs and NPs do the same!

You have one life to live, and that life should be lived intentionally and to the fullest ASAP. 

Leveraging PA/NP career strategiesCOAST FI allows you to live life on your own terms much sooner. 

My wife and I did this in our 30s and reclaimed balance between life & work by:

  • Strategically working for employers who offer the best pay, schedules, student loan forgiveness, and benefits

  • Using our W2 income to invest in stocks and real estate

  • Learning how to buy a primary homes that makes us money instead of losing it 

  • Reducing our clinical hours and/or working less stressful roles while our investments continue to grow

Now I help other PAs and NPs do the same! 

Do you REALLY want to wait 20-30 years to be able to fully enjoy your life?

Step-wise Approach to Part-Time Freedom

This is EXACTLY how my clients earn more, work less, and retire earlier!

80% of clients go part-time in their 30s & 40s.

Step-wise Approach to Part-Time Freedom

100% will retire as multi-millionaires.

"I was able to finally work less and enjoy my life in my 30s. More importantly, I can spend money on the things that truly make me happy!"

- Avis, Derm PA-C

You are a PA/NP or high-income healthcare professional 

You want to invest & build multiple streams of income from stocks and real estate

You want a personalized 1:1 component versus taking an online group course with broad advice.

You want to learn how to build wealth while having having student loans, mortgages, or other debt

You have time to dedicate to mentorship for the next couple of months

(min. 5-10 hours a week)  

This 1:1 Mentorship may be for you if...

You want to go part-time ASAP without having to worry about money 

Tina increased her income to >$250k by negotiating her salary structure. We used her high income to create additional income sources. 

She can go part-time in her 40s and enjoy their primary home with her growing family while still earning >$200k.

Meet My Clients 

Nancy found the top employers and highest paying specialties to increase her income by $80k.

She can go part-time in her 30s so she can enjoy her hobbies/volunteering and being present with loved ones.

Meet My Clients 

Sarah increased her income by $127k by strategically relocating. With her new income, she is investing >$70k per year now. 

She's on track to go part-time in her 30s. She values travel adventures and quality time with friends and family.

Meet My Clients 

Ally was earning >$200k but unsure of what to invest in. She is now self-managing a 6-figure portfolio + leveraging her pension.

She can go part-time NOW and fully retire in <10 years so she can enjoy life with her husband and future children. 

Meet My Clients 

Brianne secured PSLF, a 30% pay increase, and a pension! She left a FQHC to join a larger 501(c) organization.

She will be
debt-free by 38, buy her primary home, and decide between going part-time in her 40s or early retirement

Meet My Clients 

Amy locked in a tele-urgent care role + will have most of her $254k loans forgiven via PSLF.

She's saving >25% of her income and can go part-time in her 40s. Her prioritizes more time with her husband and future children. 

Meet My Clients 

Joanne strategically relocated states + changed specialties. Her income increased >40% and her $300k+ in student loans will be forgiven

She plans to go part-time in her 40s and travel and explore Europe and other countries in her free time.

Meet My Clients 

Sam is an ICU PA earning $227k. Within weeks, we negotiated no more nights or weekends + additional admin time.

Using stocks, pensions, & real estate, she plans to go part-time at 35. She plans to move abroad with her husband and daughter.

Meet My Clients 

Christa was earning $294k but was afraid of investing. She went from <$100k in retirement to $328k in one year.  

She can now choose to either go
part-time or retire early in her 40s. She is now focused on buying her dream home + building her own business.

Meet My Clients 

Jane left a toxic urgent care position to a HEENT one. By doing so , she secured PSLF, a 15% pay increase, and a pension!

She will be
debt-free and working part-time in her 40s. She values work life balance, good food, and quality time with friends.

Meet My Clients 

Agueda negotiated a 25% raise and is investing $50k/yr into the stock market and eventually real estate. 

She plans to go part-time in her 40s and retire early in her 50s. Our next goals are to buy her primary home + retire her parents 

Meet My Clients 

Paula is a NP leader who was burning out in management. She switched to a hybrid non-clinical role earning >$270k.

She plans to go part-time in her 40s. We are focused on making sure primary home + rentals make her money! 

Meet My Clients 

Emma is an urgent care PA-C. She's debt free and has a savings rate of 40% that she is investing in stocks and eventually real estate.

She's focused on her relationship, taking care of her parents, and transitioning to part-time work in her 30s.

Meet My Clients 


Only offered with 1:1 Mentorship

Lifetime updates INCLUDED WITH the course!

You’ll keep learning with ME before, during, and after your 1:1 sessions. 

Meticulously-designed course for PAs, NPs, and high-income earners who want a proven, step-by-step blueprint to part-time freedom

Topics include:
  • Advanced student loan repayment
  • Career advice throughout the years
  • Beginner to advanced investing topics
  • Understanding stocks and real estate
  • Making your primary home purchase
  • How to protect your money & income
  • Planning for semi-retirement vs. early retirement 

Meticulously-designed course for PAs, NPs, and high-income earners who want a proven, step-by-step blueprint to part-time freedom

Topics include:
  • Advanced student loan repayment
  • Career optimization throughout the years
  • Beginner to advanced investing topics
  • Understanding stocks and real estate
  • Making your primary home purchase
  • How to protect your money & income
  • Planning for semi-retirement vs. early retirement 

 2. Execution

You schedule two 120-minute strategy calls with me after completing course modules. 

You schedule two 120-minute strategy calls with me after completing course modules. 

1st CALL - Discovery + Foundation

We discuss your near and long term goals.

We review spending and savings goals. Then we move on to debt repayment, cash flow management, contingencies, and risk management.   

We discuss your near and long term goals.

We review spending and savings goals. Then we move on to debt repayment, cash flow management, contingencies, and risk management.   


This meeting focuses on career optimization and investing strategies.

We will map out the different wealth paths (stocks, pensions, real estate, & business) that are available to you.

Together, we will put together the most effective plan for reaching early or semi-retirement that is customized to your situation. 

This meeting focuses on career optimization and investing strategies.

We will map out the different wealth paths (stocks, pensions, real estate, & business) that are available to you.

Together, we will put together the most effective plan for reaching part-time freedom that is customized to your situation. 


You also get

  • Video replays of all 1:1 calls.
  • Unlimited texting and PRN phone calls.
  • Detailed summary + list of action items
  • Access to my personal network of experts

PLUS: I personally review your:
  • Financial Numbers & Investment Portfolio
  • Career Market & Income Potential
  • Job Applications & Offers
  • Employer Benefits & Retirement Plans
  • Primary Home & Rental Numbers

  • Video replays of all 1:1 calls.
  • Unlimited texting and PRN phone calls.
  • Detailed summary + list of action items
  • Access to my personal network of experts

PLUS: I personally review your:
  • Financial Numbers & Investment Portfolio
  • Career Market & Income Potential
  • Job Applications & Offers
  • Employer Benefits & Retirement Plans
  • Primary Home & Rental Numbers


Get rich quick schemes, burnout, false expectations, 
toxic workplaces, or feeling trapped or stuck.


Solid education, straight talk,
proven strategiesand helping you find your own path to success.


"Wilson, you truly changed my life. I am in such a better place today, not just financially, but mentally and spiritually as well.

Being able to cognitively offload finances has been such a gift.  Now, I am excited for my future. I am excited to have the time and resources to do things that give me joy. I am excited to be me again - happy, smiling, dancing, loving. Thank you."

  • Accepted a new job offer with a 40% pay increase, better schedule., and 10% employer match 
  • $250K+ in Federal Student Loans to be forgiven in <8 years via PSLF while paying <$80k total
  • Maxing out 403b, HSA, IRA, and Mega Backdoor Roth
  • Can go part-time in her 30s and 40s 

"I highly recommend working with Wilson. In my opinion the money you spend on this program is not even a question when it comes to the potential benefit it can have on your career, personal life, and ability to reach your goals earlier than you ever thought would be possible. He helps you find a balanced way to get on top of your finances early without feeling like you have to sacrifice enjoying life now."



"I can honestly say that working with him (Wilson) has transformed my perspective on finances.

Previously, I felt overwhelmed and intimidated by the subject, unsure of where to start or how to make informed decisions." 

JAZMINE (OB/GYN PA-C) went from overwhelmed to EMPOWERED 

  • Found new job with $45k raise and higher ceiling potential and flexible schedule 
  • Maxing all retirement accounts and looking for wealth building primary home 
  • Paid off $7k cc debt and built emergency fund
  • Planning to semi-retire in her 40s 

I am no longer intimidated by the strategic decisions I will have to make as my finances evolve throughout my life. Instead, I feel empowered with the agency to apply the concepts I've learned in order to achieve financial abundance and fulfill my purpose. 

"I feel more at ease knowing that I am in a position where I can pursue my dreams, and I have a strategic plan to continue moving forward in that direction.

My husband and I have grown closer together in this process and are now on the same page regarding our finances, whereas before we were more uncertain and confused about how to optimize our situation."

Christa (NP DIRECTOR) went from overwhelmed to EMPOWERED 

  • Earning $294k as a nursing leader 
  • Maxing out her 457b, 403b, IRA, HSA accounts
  • Contributing to Mega Backdoor Roth and taxable brokerage account and eventually syndications
  • Transitioning to non-clinical and remote/hybrid role
  • On track to semi-retirement in her 40s and buy their dream home with her husband

If the thought of your financial situation brings you fear or anxiety, I absolutely recommend working with Wilson and learning about your options for moving forward.

We often limit ourselves because we don't know what we don't know, but with Wilson's help, you will be surprised to see how much clearer the financial path can be!"

This 1:1 mentorship is one of it kind because addresses your life, career, and finance goals together! 

Life, CAREER, BUsiness Coaches - $11,500

Expertise from different fields come together in the most effective and actionable program for PAs and NPs. Here are some of the numbers of what I have invested in to best advise you: 

Expertise from different fields come together in the most effective and actionable program for PAs and NPs. Here are some of the numbers of what I have invested in to best guide you: 

Wealth Advisors and CFPs - $50,000+

STudent Loan ADVISORS - $2000 


Masterminds & Conferences- $50,000+ 

REAL ESTATE Courses and Coaches- $40,000+ 


 for COMPARABLE knowledge and advice

One-Time investment of $6497* USD

— OR —

(3) monthly installments of $2247* USD

One-Time investment of $6497* USD

— OR —

(3) monthly installments of $2247* USD

*Pricing Subject to ChangE 

*Pricing Subject to ChangE 




Making lots of money and investing in a consistent and meaningful way

USING Proven investments that provide compounding sizable earnings

Owning Stocks, real Estate, and pensions to build wealth passively so you can reduce your clinical hours 

Intentionally Planning, budgeting, MEasuring, and managing your finances

Reaching part-time freedom & early retirement faster than 90% of your peers


By investing in mentorship, you become a:

And then a few years, go by where you’re making some progress, but not a lot. Not the kind of change you wanted to see after five or ten years.

You feel tied down to a job that you don’t like anymore. Maybe you did once before, but because you’re capable, your reward has been more and more work that weighs you down. You feel like you invested in this job instead of yourself, so you just keep working. 

And then a few years, go by where you’re making some progress, but not a lot. Not the kind of change you wanted to see after five or ten years.

You feel tied down to a job that you don’t like anymore. Maybe you did once before, but because you’re capable, your reward has been more and more work that weighs you down. You feel like you invested in this job instead of yourself, so you just keep working. 

What does it cost you if you don't invest in yourself?

More of the same.
It’s easy not to change. 
It’s far easier to keep things status quo...


Working less but earning more

Building wealth while paying down debt

Investing confidently in the stock Market and real estate 

Fully Enjoying your income without worrying

It doesn't have to be this way! 

It doesn't have to be this way! 

Continuing with the status quo is keeping you from: 


If someone were on the fence about joining this mentorship, we would tell them it has been the best investment we have made for our futures.

- Morgan (Trauma PA-C) & Kelsie (ENDOCRINE PharmD)